Home Literature
Loss of Faith in America04:The Arena of Conflict
By Jim Nelson Black
There is no more ominous threat to our future as a nation than the campaign for homosexuality being waged today in the popular media. The same perversions that brought ancient societies to ruin-and that have been anathema to every civilization known to man for more than five thousand years-are now paraded in the public eye and almost universally defended as inalienable rights. We find that 45 percent of adults in this country believe homosexuality is an "acceptable lifestyle," and thanks to relentless programming in the schools, 85 percent of high school seniors say homosexuality is acceptable. Likewise, 86 percent say that homosexuality is determined at birth.
Throughout Scripture, God's judgment on sexual perversion is made strikingly clear. The New Testament says, "Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, or covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9- 10)
Yet, despite such warning, the secular world has chosen sodomy over sanity and we are paying a terrible price for that choice. As evidence, consider that more than 65 million Americans today are infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) , ncluding Herpes, Hepatitis B, AIDS, and more than a dozen others-most of which have no known cures. Each year more than 15 million men and women are infected with STDs. An estimated20 percent of Americans (or one in five) suffers from at least one STD. As reported in June 2001 by the United Nations agency for worldwide disaster relief, more than 20 million people have already died from the global AIDS pandemic, virtually every case of which has a sexual link at some point, and there is still no known cure. This is the real dividend of the sexual revolution.
Most of these diseases will affect young people aged 25 and younger. Considering that the majority of Americans over 40 are more cautious about their sexual behavior, the statistic of one in five among the entire population means that the percentage of those under 40 who are suffering from these diseases is staggering. It is projected that at least ten million of the fifteen million new cases reported each year will affect people 30 years of age and younger.
This is the price of ignoring custom and discarding Christian morality. When society denies what millions have known to be true, there will be a price to pay. "No one seems to remember," writes Jacques Ellul, "that there has never been a society without a moral code, and the chief thing lacking in our Western world is precisely an ethical code and a system of accepted values." Then he says: “As soon as there is even a tiny blossoming of values, the intellectuals rise up to reject it and jeer at it. In doing so, they give no proof that they are free and intelligent, but demonstrate only that they are impotent and have surrendered to the madness in which negation becomes an end in itself."6
The rejection of the moral code means that there can be no restraint on immorality and no limits to its spread. According to a report from the Reuters wire service, the teen pregnancy rate has skyrocketed in recent years. The rate in the U.S. is at least four times higher than that of France, Germany, and Japan. A study by the Alan Guttmacher Institute in New York reported that, even with a downturn of about 17 percent during the 1990s, teen pregnancy in the U.S. continues to be higher than most developed countries. Teen pregnancy here is 84 per 1000 women, aged 15 to 19, compared with 20 per 1000 in France, 16 per 1000 in Germany, 10 per 1000 in Japan. Only the nations of the former Soviet Union are comparable, according to the journal Family Planning Perspectives.
Whenever abstinence-based programs are introduced, either by legislation or by local practice, those on the other side cry foul, often claiming such programs are an unconstitutional establishment of religion, but
Despite the evidence, which is abundant and readily available, the number of cohabiting couples is still rising, with an increase of 72 percent since1992. It is important to recognize that none of this has come about by accident. The tragedy of death, disease, and despair is the legacy of all those who have pushed for more and more sexual license, including Dr. Alfred Kinsey, whose "studies" on sexual behavior shocked the nation. ln Sexual Behavior and the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior and the Human Female (1953), Kinsey claimed to reveal what was really going on in America's bedrooms. He claimed that 95 percent of American males engaged in some form of not just promiscuous, but criminal sexual behavior. He claimed that women (and even children) were much more sexually active than anyone realized and, further, that this was a good thing.
However, as new investigations have discovered, Kinsey's first report, which sold more than 200,000 copies in just the first two months, was based on surveys conducted in prisons, including some 1400 sex offenders. It was shockingly dishonest and statistically invalid. In a brilliant expose, Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences, Dr. Judith Reisman uncovered the fraud and the motives behind Kinsey's work. Yet, such studies have dramatically changed the attitudes and behaviors of Americans ever since that time.
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Notes.) These parts of this article titled as below:
Home Literature
The Arena of Conflict
- Loss of Faith in America 04