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Escalating America's Breakdown--Loss of Faith in America
By Jim Nelson Black
As mentioned above, one of the gurus who provoked the mischief of the sixties was a German-born philosopher and Berkeley professor named Herbert Marcuse. Marcuse wrote voluminously and laid out an agenda for undermining the capitalist system of the West. Long before the environmental movement became mainstream, Marcuse proposed a radical environmentalism. He encouraged the rebirth of the women's movement and an all-out assault on Judeo-Christian morality. He saw the value of homosexuality and lesbianism in shocking and shaking the culture, and he was critical of the nuclear family. As an avowed Marxist, his purpose was the utter defeat of capitalism.
"If the New Left emphasizes the struggle for the restoration of nature," he said, "if it demands a new sexual morality, the liberation of women, then it fights against material conditions imposed by the capitalist system and reproducing this system."4 Art and fashion, he said, are ideal tools of the revolution. He called for an assault on the English language, and the use of profanity and obscenity to desecrate everyday speech. The use of sexualized curse words was especially important, he said: "It turns easily against sexuality itself” and is a debasement of human intimacy. Slang and violent, loud, vulgar rock music were useful tools in undermining the culture. Sadly, by the time he died in 1979, all of these invasions were well under way.5
The moral bankruptcy of America over the past thirty years has been our national shame. It has made us a disgrace in the eyes of the world. We know now that the anger and bitterness of Muslim nations toward this country derives in large part from this grinding down of morality and culture through the media, the movies, and the lifestyles popularized by global forums such as MTV. No one, of course, defends the use of terror of any kind to execute moral judgment; but we cannot help but see that America's loss of modesty and self-restraint has provoked outrage and resentment around the world.
The price we are paying for the coarsening of culture that began in the sixties and seventies is much too high, and now it has spread to many other areas. Progressive education, with its socialist roots, has devastated the public schools and anesthetized the minds of America's children. Leftist professors have filled the heads of our next generation of leaders with the politically correct dogma of "diversity, tolerance, and moral relativism." Racism, sexism, tribalism, and social disintegration have actually been encouraged in the name of diversity, while pride of country is attacked as “jingoism."
Added to this, the justice system, as we have seen, is anything but just. Too often, the courts reward offenders and punish the victims of crime. Sentencing and parole standards are arbitrary and erratic and, predictably, the level of respect for law and order among most Americans has plummeted in recent years. In virtually every area, our founding principles based on freedom, individualism, and personal responsibility are being systematically replaced by social programs based on collectivism and a submission to centralized authority more suitable to Soviet Russia than to a free democratic societv.
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Notes.) These parts of this article titled as below:
Home Literature
Escalating America's Breakdown-Loss of Faith in America