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Loss of Faith in America 05: The Wages of Sin
By Jim Nelson Black
Whether a culture has been corrupted by fraud or by ignorance, the damage may not be so easily contained, and a culture without a healthy sense of moral restraint, as noted by Jacques Ellul above, will have the madness consume everything in sight. Consider how pornography has permeated our society. In 1973 Americans spent about $10 million on pornography. By 1987 that figure had grown to more than $8 billion.7
Today, by some estimates, the figure exceeds $14 billion, and pornography is considered by many in the investment community to be the new glamour stock of the 21st century.8
Along with the rise of teen pregnancy and illegitimacy, violence against women has also increased by more than 525 percent since 1960. This country has the highest number of reported rapes in the world – more than 10 times that of Great Britain and 20 times that of Japan. It is no accident that the states which record the highest volume of sales of “adult” and sexually explicit materials also have the greatest number of rape cases.9
The recent scandal in the Catholic Church points out the degree to which the society has been corrupted by the deregulation of sexual morality. In the culture at large, it has been estimated that 1 of 3 girls and 1 of 7 boys will be sexually molested before their l8th birthday in this country.10 In I973, some 67,000 cases of child abuse were reported in America. The figure exceeded 2 million cases by 1990.11
In addition, nearly 50 percent of all American households are run by a single parent. In 1960, just 5 percent of all births in this country were to unmarried women. By 1999, 33 percent of all births and almost 70 percent of African American births were to unmarried women. Out-of-wedlock childbirth is not just the leading cause of single-parenthood – it is the number one cause of poverty among women.12
The greatest ongoing tragedy of this or any generation is the crisis of abortion in America. Since 1972 there have been over 41 million abortions performed in America. That is more than 11,350,000 abortions every year, and they are often done after the first trimester. Late-term abortions and partial-birth abortion are no longer rare. Even the American Medical Association has said that partial-birth abortions are "never medically necessary" yet some 5,000 times a year in this country this procedure takes the life of a viable child. After his legs have been delivered, the abortionist kills the infant by puncturing the skull and sucking out the baby's brains. We can only wonder how God can ever forgive a nation that perpetuates such crimes against humanity.
The Declaration of Independence declares that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," yet we allow that guarantee of liberty to be violated in the most gruesome ways imaginable. Francis Schaeffer once said that the right to life is more fundamental and more basic than the right to liberty or the pursuit of happiness. Without life, nothing else matters. The horror that has been unleashed on America (and in the world) in the name of a “woman's right to choose" is nothing less than the “American Holocaust." In Germany, the Nazis killed more than six million Jews, Poles, Christians, and other "undesirables" during the Second World War. In America, 41 million innocent children have been slaughtered. And for what?
To complete the circle of this discussion, it will help to remember the context in which the Supreme Court's infamous Roe v. Wade decision was handed down, back in 1973. Having just passed through the sixties, the moral values, traditions, and laws that had governed Western civilization for two thousand years had been jettisoned in barely one decade. It was in that moral vacuum that the Court acted to provide what they felt was a solution to the problems created by the new immorality in America. As D. James Kennedy has said, "The sin which was engendered in the sexual revolution was to be covered up by the abortion revolution. Thus began the parade of the dead." Dr. Kennedy adds:
Today those aborted babies would be graduating from high school, choosing colleges, beginning new careers. But one out of every four of them is not here. If you watched a graduation ceremony this past year you should know that every fourth place should have been occupied by a cap and gown that was empty, for that child was not there – not there to be valedictorian, not there to become a doctor, a lawyer; a minister or whatever their destiny might have been – perhaps President of the United States.13
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Notes.) These parts of this article titled as below:
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America Return to God-Loss of Faith in America 05: The Wages of Sin