Home Literature
Introduction of America Return to God
By Thomas Wang
Over 100 years ago, American missionaries went to China and led my grandmother to faith in Jesus Christ. And I was born into this family as a third-generation Christian in Beijing, China, 1925. I became a missionary myself in 1954, came over to America in 1958 and became a naturalized citizen in 1968. America is my second homeland. I love this country and I am concerned and committed to her spiritual welfare and her destiny in history.
America is unique in her Christian origin and way of life ever since the Mayflower landed in 1620. But these early upbringings and noble traditions have been progressively eroded under the onslaught of European Enlightenment, Humanism and Liberal Theology, which have found their way into this nation throughout the past two centuries, and spread their influences in all walks of life including the church.
The first half of the 20th century with its two Great Wars has prepared the way for a post-war secularization movement, regrettably, often with the backing of the court and the intellectual elite. Morally, ethically and in matters of faith, our nation has been going downhill ever since.
So, what could be done? The worst thing we could do today is to remain silent. Edmond Burke said, "The way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing". By God's grace we will be silent no more. Hence. this book, "America, Return To God”!
It is our prayer that this humble volume of selected articles will be instrumental in stirring up burden, prayer and action of God's people for a spiritual renewal of America.
We appreciate the authors and their publishers for their permission to use these fine articles. We are thankful to our supporters whose joint efforts have made the production, printing and mailing of this book possible. Heartfelt appreciation goes also to my dear co-workers Dr. Sharon Chan, Barbara Fung and Fen Chen.
Appreciation goes also to Dr. and Mrs. C.Y. King for copy-editing, and of course to my dear wife Rachel for her encouragements.
We have printed 500,000 copies of this book in the first printing. We are now making 50,000 copies for the second printing. It will be sent as gifts to American leaders at all levels (federal, state and local) and various professions. We earnestly solicit your prayer that, by the grace of God, America will come back to her Heavenly Father and her Savior Jesus Christ who gave birth to this nation in the first place.
"Return to me, and I will return to you, says the Lord Almighty."—Malachi 3:l
Thomas Wang
Great Commission Center International
January, 2009
PS: For the sake of emphasis and clarity, we have taken the liberty to highlight some of the text in certain articles.
Home Literature
Introduction of America Return to God