America Reture to God Prayer Movement

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America Return to God Prayer Movement  


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 作者:Jim Nelson Black   楊長慧譯 


《美國的迷失》1. Mackubin Thomas Owens.“Lost in the Sixties: Their Mine”National Review Online.June5,2002.

2.Collier. Peter. and David Horowitz,Destnictive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties. New York: Summit Books, 1989.

3.Joe Klein.“How About a Swift Kick? Newsweek July26,1993,30.

4.Herbert Marcuse. Counter-Rrevolution and Revolt, New York: Beacon Press,1972. 17.

5.Marcuse 127.

6.Gorman. Carol. Pomography, New York: Pranklin Watts, 1988.

7.Dan Ackman. “How Big Is Porn?” Forbes. May 25, 2001.

8.United States Department of Justice, FBI Crime Report,  1993.

9.Emory UniversityDr. Gene Abel指出此為司法人員的估計。對兒童作出性侵犯的人,一生大約會侵犯超過360兒童。在他被逮著以前,一般而言已經侵犯了30至60個兒童。

10. Ralph W. Bonnett’"The Relationship Between Pomography and Extrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse," in Ihe Police Chief February 1991.

11.William J.Benner, Ed. Index of Lending Cultural Indicators, Washington. D.C.:Empower America, 2001, 43.

12.D.James Kennedy: “Life: An Inallenable right,” 1999年2月講章。

(本文譯自America Adrift一書,頁53-65,由Dr.D.J.KenndeyCoral Ridge Ministries出版,譯文原刊《大使命雙月刊》2006年2月號,經編者略加刪減



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