Home Literature
How Can Revival Come
By Tim LaHaye
Many Christians are praying for and expecting revival. While it is true that God has already given America three national revivals in the past, we desperately need another one today. Personally, I'm not sure we can have one without legislative reform, because we have strayed so far from our biblical foundations. You cannot pollute the minds of a nation with ten billion dollars of pornographic literature annually and murder one and a half million unborn babies and have a revival. We must have legislative reform, but we never have legislative reform until we elect enough leaders who are committed to that reform.
Would a righteous God give us revival while we murder 4,000 babies every day? Will He bless us while we legalize pornography and remove Him from the respectful position He has had traditionally? I think not.
We need to elect righteous politicians who will return legislation in this country to those traditions that made us a great nation when we were a nation under God," not a nation under humanism. We must pray for America and for her leaders. Leaders who do not function as "Ministers of God, should repent, or dedicated Christians in this country will rise up on election day and vote this nation back to moral sanity. Also pray that citizens committed to traditional values will be led to run for every elective office in the land.
(Excerpted from Christian in the political Arena by Vernon McLellan, published by Associates Press. 1984 p.162. Used with permission from Mary McLellan.)
Home Literature
How Can Revival Come