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Has America Passed the Point of No Return?
By David R. Reagan
In a sermon delivered inl989 at Times Square Church in New York City, Pastor Dave Wilkerson electrified his audience with the proclamation that America has passed the point of no return in its rebellion against God and has thus been destined by God for final judgment. He began the sermon with the following words:
"America is dying! The country's wound is incurable. It is now in the final throes of a terminal disease. The great empire is crumbling!"
The crucial points made by Wilkerson in this historic prophetic declaration were as follows:
1. America is a sinful nation that is currently experiencing the judgment of God.
2. God has raised up many prophetic voices to call America to repentance and to warn that continued rebellion will lead to doom.
3. America has refused to listen to these prophets. Instead, the nation has stiffened in its rebellion against God.
4. The result is that America has passed the point of no return, when God delivers a nation from judgment to destruction.
5. And thus, the wrath of God is about to fall on this nation, most likely in the form of an economic collapse from which there will be no recovery.
It is an ominous message of truth that Americans, even Christians, will rebel against God. The Christian community has compromised its values with the world, it has wrapped itself in the flag of patriotism, and it has deceived itself with its Pollyanna gospel of health, wealth and prosperity.
When God sent prophets to Israel and Judah, calling them to repentance, the people mocked the prophets. We are God's Chosen People, they reminded the prophets, God will never allow our nation to be destroyed. (Jeremiah5 :12-13 and Micah 3:11.)
For the past thirty years God has been raising up prophetic voices in America voices like Dave Wilkerson calling this country for repentance. We have reacted in the same manner as the ancient Israelites. We have mocked the prophets by arrogantly reminding them that we are a Christian nation.
But the truth is that we are anything but a Christian nation. Our behavior as a nation makes a mockery of Christianity. We lead the world in every abomination known to man; abortion, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, divorce, child abuse, violent crime, pornography, and yes, even child pornography. Worse yet, we export our violence and immorality to other countries through our sleazy movies and television programs. We have become the moral polluter of planet earth.
And we are reaping what we have sown. The judgment of God is upon this nation. (Read Deuteronomy 28: 1 5-48). The curses of a nation under judgment are listed there. The passage reads like a detailed description of American cities in chaos, youth in bondage, government in confusion, a foreign policy in retreat, rampant disease, epidemic divorce, agricultural calamity, and increasing foreign domination.
Yet, despite these judgments, we have refused to repent. In fact, we have stiffened in our rebellion against God. In our schools we have abolished prayer, removed the Ten Commandments, and banned the distribution of Bibles. We have terrorized our teachers into believing they will lose their jobs if they mention God to their students. We have even mandated the teaching of atheistic evolution and have prohibited the truth of creationism.
We are in the process of legalizing and even encouraging sodomy. We are handling out condoms and needles to our youth. We are going out of our way to protect every expression of profanity and obscenity. Our state governments are encouraging immorality by promoting gambling in every conceivable form. And our artists are wallowing in blasphemy, using every form of artistic expression to mock and ridicule God.
America is thumbing its nose at God. The Supreme Court is in rebellion against God. Our Congress is hardened against God. Our Bureaucracy could care less about God. Our educational system has banned God.
The chilling thing about out behavior as a nation is that the Bible teaches that when a nation under judgment refuses to repent, it will ultimately reach a point where God will deliver it from judgment to wrath from discipline to doom. The Bible further teaches that when this terrible point of dread release is reached, the nation cannot be saved even by the prayer of the Righteous! (Read Ezekiel 14:12- 20).
Has America reached that point?
Dave Wilkerson, God's Jeremiah for our time, says we have. I think Wilkerson is right on target.
How will God's wrath be manifested toward us? Initially, it is most likely to come in the form of an economic collapse from which there will be no hope of recovery. Ultimately, it is likely to be consummated in our destruction by nuclear weapons.
As we face the consequences of our war against God, let those of us who are Christians do so with hope in our hearts, remembering the words of Nahum l:7 "The Lord is good. He is a stronghold in the day of trouble. And he knows those who take refuge in Him."
(Reprinted from: wwwlamblion.com/articles, articles-usa4.php Used with permission)
Home Literature
Has America Passed the Point of No Return?