America Reture to God Prayer Movement

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America Return to God Prayer Movement  


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-- From Book: America, Return to God

The publisher would like to express appreciation to the following organizations and publishers for their permission to reprint articles or images.

Alliance of Confessing Evangeticals Inc.
American Vision Inc
Associates Press Coral Ridge Ministries
Crossway Books, A Division of Good News Publishers
Focus on the Family
Great Commission Center International
Institute In Basic Life Principles
Intercessors for America
Lamb & Lion Ministries
Moody Publishers
Multnomah Publishers, lnc.
Queenship Publishing
The Forerunner
Tradition Family Coalition

America, Return To God!
Editor: Thomas Wang; Associate Editor: Sharon Chan; Layout Design: Fen Chen
ISBN l-933800-06-2

Published by Great Commission Center International, America,, Return to God Prayer Movement
848 Stewart Drive, Suite 200, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA
Tel (408)6 36-0030, Fax( 408) 636-0033, Email
Printed in Hong Kong
2nd Edition, May 2009

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture references are taken from The New International version and The King James Version. Used with permission.

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